Let’s Begin!

The IRS received our application for non-profit status.  Now we just have to wait…and then wait some more.  They are currently working on applications that they received in February 2012.  Yikes!

We won’t let their backlog stop us.  We are going to move forward and begin our solicitation for donations.  We plan on informing all of our potential donors that our application is on file with the IRS, awaiting a 501 (c) (3) determination.  If they would like to contribute cosmetics in the meantime, that would be wonderful!  We will notify them as soon as we receive the official declaration from the IRS, at which time their donations will become tax-deductible.  (Once the non-profit status becomes official, it also becomes retroactive to the date that the application was submitted.  That’s good news!)

Our social media blitz and marketing campaign can now commence!  Ready, set, GO!